One hundred and sixty-one men, women and children from 39 parishes across the six-county Diocese of Youngstown are preparing to become members of the Catholic Church at the Easter Vigil this year. This includes 66 people who intend to receive the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and the Eucharist, and 95 people who have already been baptized in other Christian traditions who will make a profession of faith and receive the Sacraments of Confirmation and Eucharist. Â
For many months, each of them have been participating in parishes throughout the diocese in the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA), a process through which they become familiar with the teachings of the Catholic Church and the Catholic way of life.Â
They gathered at St. Columba Cathedral for the Rite of Election on February 18, the First Sunday of Lent. During this ceremony, catechumens—those preparing for Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist—were presented to Bishop Bonnar and their godparents/sponsors and all those assembled attested to their readiness for the Sacraments of Initiation. Those already baptized and seeking entrance into the Catholic Church—known as candidates—were also presented to Bishop Bonnar at this ceremony. Â
The catechumens and candidates will continue their final preparation for Easter in their parishes throughout the diocese. Along with all Catholics, they will observe the weeks of Lent as a time of spiritual recollection in anticipation of the great feast of Easter.
Scroll down to see Catholic Echo staff photographer Brian Keith’s photos from the ceremony.