A snapshot of the positive, exceptional or interesting events happening around the diocese.
There is a reason why “preaching to the choir” is such an effective idiom.
If you’ve called in to The Catholic Echo offices—The Catholic Exponent before that—over the past 30 years, the subtle Texas twang you likely heard on the other end of the line belongs to Annetta “Netta” Sweetko, senior designer at The Catholic Echo.
The Catholic Church recognizes four callings to vocation: the priesthood, religious life, married life and single life. By that definition, each of us has a vocation.
In honor of this angelic issue, here are some fun facts about angels.
“I have only the best memories,” he said.
What actually IS a jubilee? Catholic Echo editor Katie Wagner discusses.
Sister Teresina Rosa was born in Italy, in a town east of Naples, and entered the community of the Oblate Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in 1949. She took her first vows three years later and then went to Rome to continue her studies, before she was asked to join the community here in Youngstown in 1955.
Father Raymond Paul, a retired priest, was ordained a priest for the Conventual Franciscans on March 3, 1962, by Archbishop Leo Binz, in St. Paul Cathedral, St. Paul, Minnesota, but has ministered in the Youngstown Diocese since 1970.
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Located in Northeast Ohio, the Diocese of Youngstown includes six counties; Ashtabula, Columbiana, Mahoning, Portage, Stark and Trumbull.