Sunday Masses for The Diocese of Youngstown are prerecorded and posted on Youtube and at Streamed with permission under ONE LICENSE #A-700000.
To support this ministry, become a patron at The Diocese of Youngstown is a 501(c)3 organization so your donation may be tax deductible.
Our Sunday Mass from Saint Columba Cathedral is sponsored by the Mary Catherine Livingston Fund and the Diocesan Annual Appeal.
Mass Intention: Diana Torrell
The Diocese of Youngstown Communications Department films Our Sunday Mass (formerly “Mass for Shut-ins”) in Saint Columba Cathedral, Youngstown, Ohio. The Diocese of Youngstown posts Our Sunday Mass at 4:00 pm EST Saturdays on our YouTube channel and Facebook page, distributes DVDs and secure download links to retirement/nursing homes and prisons within our six-counties, and provides seasonal Missalettes to the homebound by mail.