Reader Resources: August 2024

Cathedral of Notre Dame
iStock | Credit:eugenesergeev

Arguably one of the most impactful expressions of our faith is architecture. This issue, by recommending the following texts, we celebrate some of the Church’s most important and recognizable structures.

Margaret’s Night in St. Peter’s, by Jon Sweeney: In this delightful new story, the Pope takes Margaret on a tour of St. Peter’s. But when he’s called away to work, Margaret becomes lost in the world’s largest church. She meets saints, children, tourists and the artist Michelangelo’s famous statue, the Pieta, before being reunited with the Pope as Midnight Mass is about to begin. 

The Jubilee Guide to Rome: The Four Basilicas, The Great Pilgrimage, by Andrea Braghin: The Jubilee Guide to Rome provides a brief history of how the Holy Year observance developed over the centuries, details significant events of a number of particular Holy Years and offers a guide to the architecture and history of the four basilicas of the Eternal City—St. Peter’s, St. Paul Outside the Walls, St. John Lateran and St. Mary Major.

The Secret Language of Churches & Cathedrals: Decoding the Sacred Symbolism of Christianity’s Holy Buildings, by Richard Stemp: The book features some of the world’s iconic buildings, including: Notre Dame in Paris (photo above), St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome, St. Paul’s in London and the Sagrada Familia in Barcelona. The Secret Language of Churches and Cathedrals also covers the whole history of Christian architecture, from basilicas to the modern age—with authoritative accounts of the evolution of architectural styles.

To borrow these or other resources, the diocesan library and Office of Faith Formation and Lay Ecclesial Ministry are open for in-person visits and consultations 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday through Friday. You may also visit the website. Once you make your selections, you can email the request to

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Picture of Margie Hynes

Margie Hynes

Margie Hynes is the Consultant for Faith Formation and Lay Ecclesial Ministry for the Diocoese of Youngstown.

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