Father Matthew Roehrig, was born and raised in Louisville, Kentucky and entered the Society of St. Paul in September 1977. He made his first Profession of Vows in 1979 and was ordained on November 17, 1984, by Youngstown Auxiliary Bishop Benedict Franzetta at the St Paul Monastery Chapel in Canfield.
For the Society of St. Paul, Father Roehrig has served as formation director, the editor of Pastoral Life Magazine, director of Alba House/St. Paul Bookstores in Ohio and Michigan, marketing director of St. Paul Publishing in Staten Island, New York, local superior (Ohio) and three terms as the provincial superior of the U.S. Province.
He currently serves on the Provincial Council/Leadership team for the Mexico-Cuba-United States Province of the Society of St. Paul. He is also the U.S. Delegate for the Pauline Institutes of Consecrated Life (institutes for single men and women, married couples and diocesan priests.) Locally, he is the director for St. Paul Books and Media bookstore and assists the community’s senior members living at St. Paul Monastery.