Parishioners from across the diocese representing the 89 parishes, missions and schools in the six-county Catholic Diocese of Youngstown demonstrated the unity of the diocesan Church at St. Columba Cathedral in Youngstown for the Mass of Holy Chrism on Holy Tuesday March 26.
Bishop David Bonnar was the principal celebrant, concelebrating with fellow priests, including diocesan consultors and deans. Included in the Chrism Mass was the annual renewal of the diocesan and religious priests of their commitment to priestly service and the consecration of the Sacred Chrism and blessing of the Oil of the Sick and the Oil of Catechumens. At the close of the Mass, each pastor received Sacred Chrism and the other Holy Oils for use in their parish. Learn more about the Chrism Mass in the recent Catholic Echo feature story.
Catholic Echo photographer Jimmy Joe Savage attended the Mass. Scroll down to view his photos from the celebration.