
Greetings, readers! 

It is my absolute pleasure to make your acquaintance. I need to use this space to present you with some essential information, but I did not want to miss my chance to say “hello.” If you’d like to say “hi” back, email me. Tell me your story ideas, expound upon what you enjoy about being Catholic, share with me your hopes and dreams, make a case for your favorite color, send me adorable pictures of your pets (I’m only half joking about those last few). I am so excited to get to know you!

Cover photo by Robert Zajack

If you are reading this, I imagine you are overwhelmed with excitement to be holding the inaugural issue of The Catholic Echo. However, there is also a chance that you’re not quite sure why the inaugural issue of The Catholic Echo has graced your mailbox. 

The most likely reason you received this magazine is because you are a registered parishioner at one of the Diocese of Youngstown’s 80 parishes. In which case, you have your parish to thank for covering the cost of your Echo subscription. You will continue receiving it, at no cost to you, unless you call us to unsubscribe.

Simply put, all of our parishioner households in all six counties of the diocese receive The Catholic Echo. If you are a new parishioner— you’ve joined a parish since fall 2022—we’ll add you to our database this upcoming fall so that you can receive The Echo at your home. Updating the database is a monumental task, but we’re committed to doing it at least once a year. In the meantime, you can pick up a copy of The Catholic Echo in the back of your church. 

Another reason you may be receiving this is because you formerly subscribed to The Catholic Echo’s predecessor, The Catholic Exponent newspaper. If you fall into this “subscriber” category, to you I say, “Welcome back!” 

If you’re a former subscriber and also a parishioner, you do not need to worry about your subscription—like I said earlier, your parish is covering the cost. But I encourage you to donate your subscription money to your parish, if you are able. Your parish may even have a Catholic Echo envelope! If you are a subscriber but not a parishioner, you’ll still receive our first couple issues for free. Non-parishioner subscribers who still have active Exponent subscriptions will receive The Echo until their subscription lapses. Non-parishioner subscribers whose subscriptions have lapsed will be contacted to renew their subscription for The Catholic Echo.

With that little bit of housekeeping completed, I must express my gratitude. First, thanks to Bishop Bonnar, who, by inviting me to join his diocesan team, has brought such joy to my life. I’d like to thank my former coworkers and my peers from other dioceses, for taking the time to answer countless questions. I’d also like to thank my boss, Justin Huyck, and the entire communications team for their support. I’d like to thank, in a special way, The Exponent staff members—each of whom have made the leap and joined me here at The Echo—as well as our new hires. God has given each of you such amazing gifts. Thank you for choosing to share them with us. I’d also like to extend a massive thank-you to our pastors and our advertisers—we could not do this without you. Finally, I’d like to thank my greatest cheerleaders: my mom and dad, Lynn and Tom, my twin brother, Jack, my boyfriend, Chaz, and my Gram Wagner. Much love to each of you.

Without further ado, please enjoy this first issue of The Catholic Echo

Until next month,

Katie Wagner

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Picture of Katie Wagner

Katie Wagner

Katie Wagner is the Editor In Chief of The Catholic Echo magazine and Associate Communications Director for the Diocese of Youngstown. Originally from Indiana, PA, Katie graduated from Mercyhurst University, where she studied Strategic Communication and Voice Performance. She has been working in the communications, marketing and journalism fields ever since, including six years at Mt. Lebanon Municipality, where she served as the Senior Online Editor for Mt. Lebanon Magazine and earned two Golden Quill Awards from the Press Club of Western Pennsylvania. Katie cantors at her parish in her spare time, and she also enjoys cooking, traveling and spending time with family and friends.
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