From the Archives: Dedication of Resurrection Cemetery
On Sunday, October 13, 1985, Bishop Benedict Franzetta, Auxiliary Bishop of Youngstown, led a procession during the dedication of the newly developed Resurrection Cemetery in Austintown.
On Sunday, October 13, 1985, Bishop Benedict Franzetta, Auxiliary Bishop of Youngstown, led a procession during the dedication of the newly developed Resurrection Cemetery in Austintown.
Bishop James A. McFadden ordained Ralph Friedrich and John Vasko to the priesthood on December 18, 1943, at the first priesthood ordination in the newly created diocese.
One of the first things Bishop David Bonnar did when arriving in the Youngstown Diocese early in 2021 was to establish the Office of Patrimony, which is responsible for the safekeeping, maintenance and dispensation of items from closed churches. Learn more.
Our first cathedral, seen here, was the third church that the parish had built since it was formed in 1847.
Father Noga reflects on the importance of our diocese’s history.
Bishop David Bonnar celebrated Mass in honor of the 80th anniversary of the diocese on June 25, 2023.
It Is always humbling becoming part of someone’s story. On the day of our baptism, we are immersed into a love story and intimate relationship with the one God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit …
More than 3,000 people attended a blessing of the new convent for the Ursuline Sisters of Youngstown on May 27, 1945.
Though the Diocese of Youngstown is just 80 years old, Catholics started settling in the region more than 200 years ago.
The Archives Office of the Diocese of Youngstown has loaned materials relating to Bishop George V. Murry, SJ, to the Youngstown Historical Center of Industry and Labor for its newly opened exhibit “Hearing Our Voices: Discovering Black Youngstown.”
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Located in Northeast Ohio, the Diocese of Youngstown includes six counties; Ashtabula, Columbiana, Mahoning, Portage, Stark and Trumbull.