County: Trumbull

Episode 69  What is the history of Stained Glass Windows in the Catholic Church?

Episode 69  What is the history of Stained Glass Windows in the Catholic Church?

On this episode of The Catholic Echo Podcast from the Diocese of Youngstown, brought to you by the Annual Diocesan Appeal and Cumulus Radio Youngstown, we’re talking  about Stained Glass Windows in the Catholic Church with Father John-Michael Lavelle, Joan Lawson and Michael Irwin.

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Headshot of Father Zanni

Father Frank Zanni | Obituary

Father Frank Zanni, 69, of Youngstown, peacefully passed away on Friday evening, surround by loved ones. Father Zanni will always be remembered for his humbleness, generosity, leadership and devotion to his family, parishioners and friends.

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Our Sunday Mass from St. Columba Cathedral February 16, 2025

This Sunday, February 16, 2025 at The Cathedral of Saint Columba, Father Jim Korda celebrates Mass for the Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time, with Meg Daniluk as lector, Barb Zorn as cantor and Ralph Holtzhauser as organist.
Sunday Masses for The Diocese of Youngstown are prerecorded and posted on Youtube and at
Streamed with permission under ONE LICENSE #A-700000.
To support this ministry, become a patron at The Diocese of Youngstown is a 501(c)3 organization so your donation may be tax deductible.
Our Sunday Mass from Saint Columba Cathedral is sponsored by the Mary Catherine Livingston Fund and the Diocesan Annual Appeal.
Mass Intention: Trevor Hall
The Diocese of Youngstown Communications Department films Our Sunday Mass (formerly “Mass for Shut-ins”) in Saint Columba Cathedral, Youngstown, Ohio. The Diocese of Youngstown posts Our Sunday Mass at 4:00 pm EST Saturdays on our YouTube channel and Facebook page, distributes DVDs and secure download links to retirement/nursing homes and prisons within our six-counties, and provides seasonal Missalettes to the homebound by mail.

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Our Sunday Mass from St. Columba Cathedral February 9, 2025

This Sunday, February 9, 2025 at The Cathedral of Saint Columba, Father Jim Korda celebrates Mass for the Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time, with Meg Daniluk as lector, Colleen Harris as cantor and Ralph Holtzhauser as organist. Sunday Masses for The Diocese of Youngstown are prerecorded and posted on Youtube and at Streamed with permission under ONE LICENSE #A-700000.
To support this ministry, become a patron at The Diocese of Youngstown is a 501(c)3 organization so your donation may be tax deductible.

Our Sunday Mass from Saint Columba Cathedral is sponsored by the Mary Catherine Livingston Fund and the Diocesan Annual Appeal.
Mass Intention: Frank Barricella
The Diocese of Youngstown Communications Department films Our Sunday Mass (formerly “Mass for Shut-ins”) in Saint Columba Cathedral, Youngstown, Ohio. The Diocese of Youngstown posts Our Sunday Mass at 4:00 pm EST Saturdays on our YouTube channel and Facebook page, distributes DVDs and secure download links to retirement/nursing homes and prisons within our six-counties, and provides seasonal Missalettes to the homebound by mail.

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Headshot of Monsignor Kolp after ordination

Remembering Monsignor Kolp

Today, we remember life of Monsignor James Kolp who passed away on Thursday, February 6, 2025, at the age of 99. The Canton native served the Diocese of Youngstown for nearly 75 years—he would have celebrated the 75th anniversary of his ordination to the priesthood on April 29.

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Episode 67 How does the Diocese of Youngstown celebrate National Marriage Week?

Episode 67 How does the Diocese of Youngstown celebrate National Marriage Week? 

On this episode of The Catholic Echo Podcast from the Diocese of Youngstown,  brought to you by the Annual Diocesan Appeal and Cumulus Radio Youngstown, we’re talking about  National Marriage Week with Father John Sheridan, Miros and Theresa Maszczak, Madeleine Francisco and Hannah Shaw.

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Our Sunday Mass from St. Columba Cathedral February 2, 2025

This Sunday, February 2, 2025 at The Cathedral of Saint Columba, Father Jim Korda celebrates Mass for the Presentation of the Lord, with Meg Daniluk as lector, Colleen Harris as cantor and Ralph Holtzhauser as organist.
Sunday Masses for The Diocese of Youngstown are prerecorded and posted on Youtube and at
Streamed with permission under ONE LICENSE #A-700000.
To support this ministry, become a patron at The Diocese of Youngstown is a 501(c)3 organization so your donation may be tax deductible.
Our Sunday Mass from Saint Columba Cathedral is sponsored by the Mary Catherine Livingston Fund and the Diocesan Annual Appeal.
Mass Intention: Deacon Bob Cuttica
The Diocese of Youngstown Communications Department films Our Sunday Mass (formerly “Mass for Shut-ins”) in Saint Columba Cathedral, Youngstown, Ohio. The Diocese of Youngstown posts Our Sunday Mass at 4:00 pm EST Saturdays on our YouTube channel and Facebook page, distributes DVDs and secure download links to retirement/nursing homes and prisons within our six-counties, and provides seasonal Missalettes to the homebound by mail.

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