The Good News: February 2025

Several oblate sisters stand, holding candles, in white habits at St. Columba Cathedral
World Day for Consecrated Life is on Sunday, February 2, this year. Photo by Brian Keith


National Marriage Week is February 7 to 14, and World Marriage Day is on Sunday, February 9. This year’s theme is “Marriage: Source of Hope, Spring of Renewal. Pursue a Lasting Love!” To celebrate, the Secretariat of Laity, Marriage, Family Life, and Youth offers resources to bishops, priests, deacons, married couples and lay men and women—including daily readings and prayers, podcast episodes and an at-home self-guided retreat.


The Catholic Echo podcast is available on all major podcasting platforms and online, as well as on Youngstown radio stations WHOT-FM 101, WYFM-FM 102.9 and WQXK-FM 105.1 on Sundays at 6:30 a.m. (with Wineskins airing beforehand at 6 a.m.) Topics for February include: February 2—Things that can receive Catholic blessings; February 9—National Marriage Week; February 16—Catholic Charities Month; February 23—Construction at St. Michael Parish in Canfield.


Giving Tuesday, which was held on December 3, is an opportunity for Catholics to give to their favorite causes through The numbers are in for 2024—and they were an exponential increase over 2023. Parishes and Catholic organizations across the diocese raised $58,000 in 2023, and more than $120,000 in 2024. Many thanks to all who gave to a diocesan organization! The diocese will release information in the fall on how organizations can participate this year.

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