
Christmas in Our Churches

In his 1999 Letter to Artists, Saint Pope John Paull II said, “Art has a unique capacity to take one or other facet of the message and translate it into colors, shapes and sounds which nourish the intuition of those who look and listen.”

This year, we take a look at the art that surrounds us at Mass every Sunday—but do not always take the time to appreciate—within our diocesan churches, to gain a deeper appreciation and understanding of the miracle of Christmas.  

This collection of images captures likenesses of the Holy Family and moments in the Christmas narrative that are depicted in murals, stained glass and statues across the six counties of the diocese. 

These works of art come from different eras and feature varying artistic styles, but each one reflects the unique character of the parish it is part of, while also helping us imagine what it might have been like to be there that glorious day that Christ was born.

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Picture of Katie Wagner

Katie Wagner

Katie Wagner is the Editor In Chief of The Catholic Echo magazine and Associate Communications Director for the Diocese of Youngstown. Originally from Indiana, PA, Katie graduated from Mercyhurst University, where she studied Strategic Communication and Voice Performance. She has been working in the communications, marketing and journalism fields ever since, including six years at Mt. Lebanon Municipality, where she served as the Senior Online Editor for Mt. Lebanon Magazine and earned two Golden Quill Awards from the Press Club of Western Pennsylvania. Katie cantors at her parish in her spare time, and she also enjoys cooking, traveling and spending time with family and friends.
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