In April of 1968, the Catholic Youth Organization (CYO) hosted a convention open to all high school students of the diocese, at the Pick-Ohio Hotel, a downtown Youngstown landmark. The convention centered on the theme “You’ve Got to Have Soul,” and featured talks and panels on issues affecting youth, a film discussion, a dance and a happening (A “happening” in the 1960s usually meant some type of experience involving art, poetry and dance.)
The event drew 350 delegates. The high school girls featured here won the poster prize (from among 23 entries) with their flower petals labeled: Fun, Friendship, Unity and Respect—growing from a center of Love. The artists are: (kneeling, left to right) Suzanne Donie and Mary O’Neill, both of Immaculate Conception Parish in Ravenna; and (standing, left to right) Karen Conklin, from St. Stephen Parish in Niles; Peg Demboski, from St. Joseph Parish in Mogadore; Susan Stein, from Christ Our King Church (now St. Mary & St. Joseph Parish) in Warren; and Kathy Duffy, from St. Peter of the Fields Parish in Rootstown.