Hundreds of parishioners, supporters and community members filled St. Patrick Church, Hubbard, Ohio for the Mass of Blessing on their parish feast day, March 17, 2024. Sunday’s Mass was the first at St. Patrick since the church was forced to close its doors three years ago on January 18, 2021 after a devastating fire caused millions in damages to the interior and exterior of the building. The parish, which dates back more than 150 years, had been celebrating Mass in the parish center.
Bishop of the Diocese of Youngstown, David J. Bonnar, presided along with over a dozen concelebrating priests including Pastor Fr. Michael Swierz. Bishop Bonnar obtained and donated a relic of St. Patrick to the parish for the reopening of the church in Hubbard. The reliquary was provided by two priests who also grew up in the parish, Fr. John-Michael Lavelle and Fr. Michael Balash. The relic was carried by a deacon in the entrance procession and sat in a place of honor during the Mass. At the end of the Mass, Bishop Bonnar blessed the faithful with the relic.
After the 2021 fire, many parishioners from other churches across the diocese and the Mahoning Valley sent donations and prayers. Parishioners also helped clean, restore, construct and move items back into the church. For more information on events at St. Patrick Church in Hubbard go to their website
The following outlets have carried stories about the fire and reopening of St. Patrick’s Parish:
- “Ohio church to reopen three years after fire” by OSV News
- “3 years after fire, Ohio church named for St. Patrick reopens with St. Paddy’s Day Mass” by New Outlook, Diocese of Tucson
- “St. Patrick Church in Hubbard reopens: 800 christen sanctuary” by Tribune Chronicle
- “St. Patrick Church has risen from the ashes: Hubbard parishioners celebrate reopning after 2021 fire” by The Vindicator
- “See first Mass in local church since 2021 fire” by Abigail Cloutier, WKBN-27
- “Saint Patrick Church reopens three years after a fire: Saint Patrick Church in Hubbard has been home for parishioners for 150 years” by Janet Rogers, WFMJ-21
- “Press Pass: St. Patrick Church Celebrates Reopening Today” by WFMJ-21
- Press Release | Newly restored St. Patrick Church in Hubbard to reopen March 17
Scroll down to see photos shared by staff of the Diocese of Youngstown, The Catholic Echo, and St. Patrick Parish. Additional coverage will be added to this page as submitted. Members of the media can contact Dennis Biviano, Press Relations and Media Specialist: 330-744-8451 x320.