St. Louis and Sacred Heart parishes, in conjunction with the Walsh University Theology Department, will sponsor a Lenten adult faith formation series, “Living the Eucharist through Lent 2023,” Father Thomas Cebula, administrator for both parishes, has announced.

The series will run each Thursday at 7 p.m. during March beginning March 2. Each presentation will be held in the Belden Room at Sacred Heart of Mary Parish located at 8277 Nickel Plate Ave. S.E., Louisville, Father Cebula noted.
The presenters will be Dr. Chris Seeman, chairman of the Division of Humanities and theology professor at Walsh University in North Canton, March 2; Dr. Joseph Torma, retired theology professor at Walsh and coordinator for the Alliance Catholic Worker, March 9; Msgr. Michael Cariglio, rector of Youngstown Our Lady of Mount Carmel Basilica, and pastor of Youngstown St. Anthony of Padua Parish, March 16; Phil Pillin, theology instructor at Walsh, March 23; and Rabbi John Spitzer, rabbi emeritus of Temple Israel, Canton, March 30.
Each session will include a 50-minute presentation followed by questions and interactions between the speaker and the audience, Father Cebula said. Each session is free. Information: call Sacred Heart of Mary Parish at 330-875-2827.
This Lenten renewal opportunity, Father Cebula explained, follows the lead of Phase 2 of Year 1 of the National Eucharistic Revival in the Youngstown Diocese, which began last December. This phase includes more opportunities for Holy Hours, lectures, and Eucharistic Adoration in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament.