Father Edward Beneleit- 50th Jubilee
Father Edward Beneleit, a retired priest, was ordained for the Diocese of Youngstown on November 10, 1974, by Bishop James Malone at St. Joseph Parish in Alliance.
Father Edward Beneleit, a retired priest, was ordained for the Diocese of Youngstown on November 10, 1974, by Bishop James Malone at St. Joseph Parish in Alliance.
Father John Trimbur was ordained May 25, 1974, for the Denver Archdiocese by Archbishop James Casey in Immaculate Conception Cathedral, Denver.
The Knights of Columbus Ashtabula met on August 27 in the Community Center of Our Lady of Peace Parish in Ashtabula.
Knights of Columbus Geneva-Madison KofC Council #5286 will host a community blood drive with the American Red Cross on Thursday, October 12,
The Knights of Columbus are hosting a pancake breakfast benefiting the Rhoda Wise House. Email briley@kofc341.org.
Join our reverse raffle featuring food, bingo, and more. Tickets are $50. Call or text 440-662-2154.
One of the oldest Knights of Columbus councils in the region, Canton Council 341, celebrated their 125th anniversary this year with a Mass and banquet on May 6.
Children and youth from the families of migrant farmworkers residing in Hartville will receive the sacraments of Baptism, first Holy Communion, and Confirmation.
St. Jude Knights of Columbus are sponsoring their 2nd annual Kentucky Derby Party on Saturday, May 6 from 5:30
HOLY FAMILY PARISH, Poland, will host an American Red Cross blood drive 1 p.m.-6 p.m. Jan. 6 in the
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Located in Northeast Ohio, the Diocese of Youngstown includes six counties; Ashtabula, Columbiana, Mahoning, Portage, Stark and Trumbull.