Online Catechist Course Begins: Adolescent Catechesis
New Adult Faith Formation Course Begins Soon
Online book or Bible studies for catechists begin on this date, organized by the Office of Faith Formation and Lay Ecclesial Ministry.
Adolescent Catechesis
Participants are invited to consider adolescents within the context of the total life of the parish. Those who minister with adolescents and their families will explore pastoral practices and strategies that nurture their spirituality, call them to ongoing formation, and empower them to fulfill their roles as disciples.
CORE course, 10 Hours
July 31-September 5, 2023
On-line Facilitator Bob Barto
$30 fee includes book
Registration available on Catechist Cafe at “Online Payment” button.
Email rbarto@youngstowndiocese.org for password.
Please visit Catechist Cafe at catechistcafe.weebly.com under the tab “For Catechists” for a full listing of courses and descriptions offered online. All courses are open to anyone wanting to grow in their faith. You don’t need to have prior knowledge to participate. For more information, contact Margie Hynes at 330-744-8451 ext. 296 or mhynes@youngstowndiocese.org.
Photo by Maria Oswalt on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/photos/CARaXHiIaa8