Immaculate Conception Knights of Columbus Fish Fry
Immaculate Conception Knights of Columbus Council 5286 is offering a ALL YOU CAN EAT Fish Bake at Immaculate Conception Church 2846 Hubbard Rd, Madison, 44057. “Battered or Seasoned Baked Fish, Baked-diced potatoes, Mac-n-Cheese, Cole Slaw, Home prepared desserts and beverages.” Dine-in only is ALL YOU CAN EAT for $15/person, $7/Children under 12, $50 for young families of 4 or more. Take-out at the door. Will be held all Fridays in Lent except for March 15 & March 29 (Good Friday). For other fish fries, visit the Fish Fry Directory online at: www.CatholicEcho.org/Fish-Fry-Directory-2024/. Photo credit: iStock.com/CharlieAJA