First Friday Club: “Challenges of Being a 21st Century Catholic”
The First Friday Club of Greater Youngstown is an organization of Catholics, which sponsors a monthly luncheon speaker series, providing an exploration of Catholic teaching and religious thought on the spiritual, theological, moral and social issues of our time. We offer an opportunity for the Catholic community and others to integrate the principles of religious faith into our everyday lives and work.
The June 2023 speaker is Monsignor John A. Zuraw, Vicar General of the Diocese of Youngstown.
Reservations are due by May 26, 2023. Cost: $20 per person. Call 330-720-4498.
Monsignor John Zuraw was born on July 4, 1960. A native of Campbell, Ohio, Msgr. Zuraw graduated from Ursuline High School in 1978.
He attended Youngstown State University and in 1992 earned a bachelor’s degree in history from the Pontifical College Josephinum, Columbus, Ohio. In 1987 he earned a master’s degree in Divinity from Mount Saint Mary Seminary, Cincinnati, Ohio. On June 20, 1987 he was ordained a priest by Bishop James Malone. On October 31, 1999 he was granted his License in Canon Law from the Catholic University of America, Washington DC.
His ministerial assignments include Saint Louis, Louisville, Immaculate Conception, Youngstown, Saint Rose, Girard, Our Lady of Perpetual Help, McDonald and Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Niles. He currently serves as Pastor of Saint Charles Borromeo Parish and Saint Luke Parish in Boardman.
On November 1, 1996 he was appointed Executive Director of Clergy and Religious Services for the Diocese of Youngstown. In 2014 he was appointed Chancellor, Vicar for Educational and Pastoral Service and Defender of the Bond and Promoter of Justice for the Diocesan Tribunal. On July 1, 2022, Msgr. Zuraw was named Vicar General with responsibilities as Moderator of Parish, School, and Ministerial Leadership and for external operations of the diocese.