Category: Podcast

Episode 73  What is the importance of The Annual Diocesan Appeal?

Episode 73  What is the importance of The Annual Diocesan Appeal?

On this episode of The Catholic Echo Podcast from the Diocese of Youngstown, brought to you by the Annual Diocesan Appeal and Cumulus Radio Youngstown, we’re talking  about The Annual Diocesan Appeal with Father John-Michael Lavelle and Michael Houy.

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Episode 72 What is the importance of The Light is on For You?

Episode 72 What is the importance of The Light is on For You?

 On this episode of The Catholic Echo Podcast from the Diocese of Youngstown, brought to you by the Annual Diocesan Appeal and Cumulus Radio Youngstown, we’re talking about The Light is on For You with Bishop David Bonnar, Father Chad Johnson and Karen Nelsen.

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Episode 70  Where can we find Parish Fish Fries and Lenten programming?

Episode 70  Where can we find Parish Fish Fries and Lenten programming? 

On this episode of The Catholic Echo Podcast from the Diocese of Youngstown, brought to you by the Annual Diocesan Appeal and Cumulus Radio Youngstown, we’re talking about Parish Fish Fries and Lenten programming with ChoirBishop Anthony Spinosa and Gloria Stack.

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Episode 69  What is the history of Stained Glass Windows in the Catholic Church?

Episode 69  What is the history of Stained Glass Windows in the Catholic Church?

On this episode of The Catholic Echo Podcast from the Diocese of Youngstown, brought to you by the Annual Diocesan Appeal and Cumulus Radio Youngstown, we’re talking  about Stained Glass Windows in the Catholic Church with Father John-Michael Lavelle, Joan Lawson and Michael Irwin.

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Episode 67 How does the Diocese of Youngstown celebrate National Marriage Week?

Episode 67 How does the Diocese of Youngstown celebrate National Marriage Week? 

On this episode of The Catholic Echo Podcast from the Diocese of Youngstown,  brought to you by the Annual Diocesan Appeal and Cumulus Radio Youngstown, we’re talking about  National Marriage Week with Father John Sheridan, Miros and Theresa Maszczak, Madeleine Francisco and Hannah Shaw.

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Episode 66  Who or what can be blessed in the Catholic Church?

Episode 66  Who or what can be blessed in the Catholic Church? 

On this episode of The Catholic Echo Podcast from the Diocese of Youngstown, brought to you by the Annual Diocesan Appeal and Cumulus Radio Youngstown, we’re talking about Who or what can be blessed in the Catholic Church? With Father John-Michael Lavelle, Meagen Farrell and Deacon Syl Frazzini 

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Episode 65 How are we celebrating Catholic Schools Week?

Episode 65 How are we celebrating Catholic Schools Week?

On this episode of The Catholic Echo Podcast from the Diocese of Youngstown, brought to you by the Annual Diocesan Appeal and Cumulus Radio Youngstown, we’re talking  about Catholic Schools Week with Bishop David Bonnar and Superintendent Steven Jones, PhD.

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Episode 64 What does it mean to be a Confirmation Sponsor or Godparent?

Episode 64 What does it mean to be a Confirmation Sponsor or Godparent?

On this episode of The Catholic Echo Podcast from the Diocese of Youngstown, brought to you by the Annual Diocesan Appeal and Cumulus Radio Youngstown, we’re talking about Confirmation Sponsors and Godparents with Father John-Michael Lavelle, vicar of missionary discipleship and Carmen Roebke, director of faith formation at St. Christine Church in Youngstown.

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