Seminarian Support Collection (Good Shepherd Sunday)
In honor of Good Shepherd Sunday, all parishes in the Diocese of Youngstown will be taking a second collection to support our diocesan seminarians. The number of diocesan seminarians has grown in recent years, and they need your support for theological training and educational expenses. Please be generous.
Please see our Seminarians page for more information on our current seminarians in formation.
Lord of the Harvest,
from age to age, you nurture growth in your people,
that your goodness and love might flourish in our world.
Bless the Church of Youngstown with an outpouring of the Holy Spirit,
bringing forth from our families and parishes willing
and worthy spiritual leaders
to be holy servants,
trusting stewards,
faithful shepherds,
and missionary disciples.
Open the ears and hearts of our faithful,
especially our young people,
to attentively hear, and courageously respond,
to your call to service for the Church
as priests, deacons, religious, and lay ecclesial ministers.
Bless all married couples and single persons
and bestow on them the grace to not only be life giving
but also to be steadfast supporters of religious vocations
for the good of your Church.
May all those who respond to your call come to behold their giftedness and the confidence you place in them
to continue the mission of the Church
trusting always that it is you who call
and you who equip.
We ask this through Christ the Lord. Amen