Our Sunday Mass from St. Columba Cathedral March 2, 2025

This Sunday, March 2, 2025 at The Cathedral of Saint Columba, Father Ray Thomas celebrates Mass for the Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time, with Ron Puhalla as lector, Brianne Samson as cantor.

Sunday Masses for The Diocese of Youngstown are prerecorded and posted on Youtube and at catholicecho.org. Streamed with permission under ONE LICENSE #A-700000. To support this ministry, become a patron at www.doy.org/film-mass.

The Diocese of Youngstown is a 501(c)3 organization so your donation may be tax deductible.

Our Sunday Mass from Saint Columba Cathedral is sponsored by the Mary Catherine Livingston Fund and the Diocesan Annual Appeal.

Mass Intention: Tom Anderson

The Diocese of Youngstown Communications Department films Our Sunday Mass (formerly “Mass for Shut-ins”) in Saint Columba Cathedral, Youngstown, Ohio. The Diocese of Youngstown posts Our Sunday Mass at 4:00 pm EST Saturdays on our YouTube channel and Facebook page, distributes DVDs and secure download links to retirement/nursing homes and prisons within our six-counties, and provides seasonal Missalettes to the homebound by mail.

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Picture of Bob Gavalier

Bob Gavalier

Bob is the Senior Multimedia Production Specialist for the Diocese of Youngstown. He also served the Catholic Telecommunications Network of Youngstown (CTNY) for over 25 years, most recently as General Manager. While at CTNY, Bob contributed to CTNY’s numerous awards, including a 2022 Communicator Award of Excellence and 2022 Telly Award. Bob received his B.A. in Telecommunications from Kent State University and, in addition to his work for the Church, is an active sports broadcaster. Bob is also the producer of diocese’s radio show/podcast, Wineskins, and its television program, Mass for Shut-Ins.

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