Episode 48 Feast of the Archangels: Diocesan Media Day
In this episode, we’re answering your spiritual questions about Diocesan Media Day, which we are celebrating on the Feast of the Archangels. Hear from Bishop David Bonnar, Diocesan Director of Communications Fr. John-Michael Lavelle, and other members of the Communications Department with your host, Dennis Biviano.
More About This Episode:

Episode 66 Who or what can be blessed in the Catholic Church?
Episode 66 Who or what can be blessed in the Catholic Church?
On this episode of The Catholic Echo Podcast from the Diocese of Youngstown, brought to you by the Annual Diocesan Appeal and Cumulus Radio Youngstown, we’re talking about Who or what can be blessed in the Catholic Church? With Father John-Michael Lavelle, Meagen Farrell and Deacon Syl Frazzini

Episode 64 What does it mean to be a Confirmation Sponsor or Godparent?
Episode 64 What does it mean to be a Confirmation Sponsor or Godparent?
On this episode of The Catholic Echo Podcast from the Diocese of Youngstown, brought to you by the Annual Diocesan Appeal and Cumulus Radio Youngstown, we’re talking about Confirmation Sponsors and Godparents with Father John-Michael Lavelle, vicar of missionary discipleship and Carmen Roebke, director of faith formation at St. Christine Church in Youngstown.

Episode 62 How is the Catholic Church approaching A.I.?
Episode 62 How is the Catholic Church approaching A.I.?
On this episode of The Catholic Echo Podcast from the Diocese of Youngstown, brought to you by the Annual Diocesan Appeal and Cumulus Radio Youngstown, we’re talking about the Catholic Church and A.I. with Bishop David Bonnar, Grace Morris, PhD, and Superintendent Steven Jones, PhD.

The Catholic Echo Podcast- Episode 60 Year in Review
The Catholic Echo Podcast- Episode 60 Year in Review
On this episode of The Catholic Echo Podcast from the Diocese of Youngstown, brought to you by the Annual Diocesan Appeal and Cumulus Radio Youngstown, we’re talking about the Year in Review with Bishop David Bonnar, Katie Wagner, and Meagen Farrell.

The Catholic Echo Podcast- Episode 58 Feast of the Immaculate Conception
The Catholic Echo Podcast- Episode 58 Feast of the Immaculate Conception
On this episode of The Catholic Echo Podcast from the Diocese of Youngstown, brought to you by the Annual Diocesan Appeal and Cumulus Radio Youngstown, we’re talking about the Feast of the Immaculate Conception with Bishop David Bonnar, and Father John-Michael Lavelle.

Episode 48 Feast of the Archangels: Diocesan Media Day
Episode 48 Feast of the Archangels: Diocesan Media Day
In this episode, we’re answering your spiritual questions about Diocesan Media Day, which we are celebrating on the Feast of the Archangels. Hear from Bishop David Bonnar, Diocesan Director of Communications Fr. John-Michael Lavelle, and other members of the Communications Department with your host, Dennis Biviano.