EdChoice Scholarships
The Diocese of Youngstown’s Office of Catholic Schools is pleased to announce that EdChoice Scholarships are now applicable to Catholic school tuition, as a result of Ohio House Bill 33, which was signed into law on July 4. All K-12 students in Ohio are eligible to apply for EdChoice Scholarships, beginning with the 2023-2024 school year.
EdChoice can cover a portion, or in some cases, the full cost of a student’s Catholic school tuition, based on their family’s 2022 gross adjusted income and family size. Scholarships can be as high as $6,165 per school year for students in grades K-8 and $8,407 per year for students in grades 9-12. Both prospective students and those currently enrolled in a Catholic school are eligible to apply. Visit doy.org/edchoice/ for more information.
Catechetical Sunday
“Come to me all who labor and are burdened” is the theme for the 2023 Catechetical Sunday, observed on September 17. All parishes in the United States will recognize the Ministry of the Word and those who have dedicated themselves to passing on the faith. Some parishes may mark this event with a commissioning of catechists—including catechists of children in the parish faith formation, the school and facilitators of OCIA, Bible studies and other small faith sharing groups—during the Sunday liturgies. Parishes may also have a blessing for parents since they are the first catechists of their children. Check your parish’s bulletin for more details.
LIMEX Graduates
Congratulations to Sr. Martha Reed, Erica Galvin, Darlene F. Marks and Jennifer Lawrence, who recently graduated from the Loyla University of New Orleans Extension program (LIMEX) with a Master of Pastoral Studies degree. Additionally, Rebecca Szekely earned a Master of Religious Education degree and Carol Stowe was awarded a Continuing Education Certificate in Pastoral Studies.
Sr. Martha Reed serves as the director of religious education at St. Columba Cathedral in Youngstown. Erica Galvin serves as coordinator of communications at St. Charles Parish in Boardman. Jennifer Lawrence serves as pastoral minister at St. Joan of Arc Parish in Streetsboro. Rebecca Szekely is from St. Ann Parish in Sebring. Darlene F. Marks is the former administrative assistant for Faith Formation at Divine Grace Parish in Cranberry, Pennsylvania, and Carol Stowe is retired from the former Catholic Exponent newspaper (now The Catholic Echo) and is a volunteer at St. Mary and St. Joseph Parish in Warren.
If you or someone you know is interested in continuing their education in parish ministry, please contact Margie Hynes at the Office of Faith Formation and Lay Ecclesial Ministry, mhynes@youngstowndiocese.org or 330-744-8451 ext. 296. The diocese is currently looking for people to begin a new learning group.