As we prepare for our first Sunday of the Lenten season, we are invited to join with Jesus as He is led by the Spirit into the desert where he will encounter a variety of temptations from Satan.

We are told that he fasted for 40 days and forty nights. This of course, has become our pattern for Lent. While the ashes we received just a few days ago have been physically washed from our foreheads, we pray that the words we proclaimed have left an indelible mark on our minds.
We know we were called to be a people who fast – not just from certain food but from whatever thoughts or actions keep us from focusing on the love of God as the center of our lives.
We also recall that this season is a time to increase our prayer – whether it be enhancing our participation in the Mass, celebrating the Stations of the Cross, or embracing other forms of prayer into our daily lives. Spending more time in prayerful conversation with God only serves to strengthen our resolve to follow His will more faithfully far beyond Easter Sunday.
The third instruction from the Ash Wednesday Gospel is that of almsgiving. We are challenged to reflect on the many ways God has blessed us, and in turn, offer a portion of those blessings to those in need.
While we have just begun our Lenten journey, a great guide for our acts of charity can be found in what we will hear at the conclusion of the Easter Octave. The Acts of the Apostles, the work of the first believers of the Resurrection, reminds us that “All who believed were together and had everything in common. They would sell their property and possessions and divide them among all according to each one’s need.”
While this early description of the Christian community sets forth a wonderful sense of unity and harmony, we know that it really didn’t last – at least not in the way it is depicted. However, a different way of seeking to accomplish a similar goal has always emerged in the tradition of the Church – that being a recognition of the needs of those around us, thus inviting a generous response from the People of God.
This generous response comes about in many ways. The primary way in which the People of God throughout the Diocese of Youngstown work to accomplish this goal is through the Annual Diocese Appeal. One in Hope, One in Mission. For decades – whether called a Charities Appeal, the Bishop’s Appeal, or now, with the focus on all of us – the Annual Diocesan Appeal – thousands of households across our six counties come together in support of the work of Catholic Charities and the increase the mission and ministry of the Church. Last year alone, 13,000-plus households contributed $3.8 million to bring tangible help and even greater hope to nearly 35,000 people in need. Additionally, that generous response to the Appeal enables a wide variety of ministries to continue in the Church – having a real effect in every one of our 60,000-plus households in the Youngstown Diocese.
This year, our goal is $4 million. Parish goals are calculated in relationship to each parish’s Sunday, Christmas, and Easter offerings from the previous year (No additional fundraising efforts in the parish are included.). This not only makes each parish goal an equitable share in the total diocesan goal, but makes each goal achievable – based on the overall generosity of the parishioners’ weekly stewardship.
Last weekend, everyone participating in the Mass heard about the important role the Appeal plays in extending the work of charity and the Church and was invited to consider making a pledge gift to the Appeal. Thank you to the many who have already made their response. If you have not yet made a response, please consider doing so over these next three –weeks our commitment phase of the Appeal.
In considering your gift, take some time to think about those things in your life that are sometimes taken for granted – what we spend on cup of coffee each morning, that weekly dinner out, what we spend each month at the beauty or barber shop; the monthly bill for all our technology (phones, cable, streaming services, etc.) The objective is not to feel guilty about having these things as part of our lives, or even attempt to rid ourselves of them. Rather, putting them in perspective, can we make an equal gift to the Annual Diocesan Appeal, to assist those who struggle for the basic necessities of life?
We hope that every family in the diocese will take the time to reflect on the disciplines of this Lenten season, taking them to heart. Through an increase of prayer, and true sense of fasting, may a generous response of almsgiving result in meeting the same goal set by that first Christian community – that together all who believe will work so no one is in need. God bless you all and may this Lenten journey truly bring us the joy of Easter glory.
Father Lavelle, who holds a doctorate in ministry, serves as diocesan vicar for missionary discipleship and director of stewardship and development. To learn more about the work of the Annual Diocesan Appeal, or to make a gift online, visit:, and click on the “Appeal” button.