Father Edward Beneleit- 50th Jubilee
Father Edward Beneleit, a retired priest, was ordained for the Diocese of Youngstown on November 10, 1974, by Bishop James Malone at St. Joseph Parish in Alliance.
Father Edward Beneleit, a retired priest, was ordained for the Diocese of Youngstown on November 10, 1974, by Bishop James Malone at St. Joseph Parish in Alliance.
On June 28, 2024, devotees of Servant of God Rhoda Wise gathered in Canton, Ohio to celebrate Mass and learn about the current state of her Cause for canonization.
On this episode of The Catholic Echo Podcast from the Diocese of Youngstown, brought to you by the Annual Diocesan Appeal and Cumulus Radio Youngstown, we’re talking about RHODA WISE AND PILGRIMAGES with Father John Sheridan and Collin Vogt.
Within a short drive from the Diocese of Youngstown, there are numerous ways to engage in spiritual retreats or pilgrimages.
The Knights of Columbus are hosting a pancake breakfast benefiting the Rhoda Wise House. Email briley@kofc341.org.
The faithful committed to the beatification of Rhoda Wise, Servant of God, gathered on July 7 to honor and remember the woman who they pray will one day be a saint.
The following remarks were given by Dr. Valentina Culurgioni, postulator for the Cause of Servant of God, Rhoda Wise, at the annual Mass to pray for the Cause on July 7, 2023 at St. Peter Church, Canton.
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Located in Northeast Ohio, the Diocese of Youngstown includes six counties; Ashtabula, Columbiana, Mahoning, Portage, Stark and Trumbull.