Magnificat Breakfast
There will be an optional MASS at 8:00 a.m. in Our Lady of Perpetual Help Chapel (The Walsh University Chapel).
Open seating–arrive early enough to check in at the reservation table and find a seat before the program begins. Doors open at 8:30 a.m.
Seating is limited and no reservations will be accepted after Saturday, September 17, 2023.
This Meal is being recorded. The recordings may be duplicated and sold by The Mary Queen of Heaven and Earth, Stark County, Ohio, Chapter of Magnificat at Magnificat Chapter meals and official Chapter events, all as part of Magnificat’s nonprofit ministry and related activities.
Sara Schroedl
Sara Schroedl of Canal Fulton will talk about “My Life Behind Bars”. Sara spent fifty-two days behind bars. It was behind the handlebars of a bicycle. In her mid-fifties, while recovering from an illness that caused clinical depression, she had the idea riding a bicycle would help in her recovery. On a whim she purchased a bicycle. She never imagined what God had in store for her when it led to the most physically challenging, mentally demanding, and spiritually rewarding bike ride of her life. On her bicycle, she pedaled 3,700 miles across the USA, from Oregon to New Hampshire. Mile after mile she felt the presence of God leading her safely on. There were times meeting unaware angels giving her shelter in rainstorms, or directions when she turned down a wrong road. By God’s grace she found her fears melted away when climbing over steep mountain passes or close encounters with wild buffalo on the open range.
Prior to cycling, in the days of Sara’s darkest moments, being hospitalized numerous times, she knew our Blessed Mother was praying for healing and strength to persevere in faith. With return to better health, she wanted to give thanks to our Blessed Mother for all her prayers. She was able to do that with a visit to the Shrine of Our Lady of Fatima, Portugal.
Sara grew up in North Dakota where she met her husband, Paul, at NDSU. Married 57 years, they are parents of four children. Sara is a convert to the Catholic Church and member of SS Philip & James Parish. Sara has bicycled coast-to-coast twice – once in her mid-50s and again in her 60s.
“Fear is useless. What is needed is Faith” Mark 5:36
- December 2, 2023 – Sr. Marie Fidelis
- March 16, 2024 – Lily Rambacher
- June 8, 2024 – Holly Linger