Reader Resources: June 2024

Stock photo of people praying together around a bible

As we return to Ordinary Time, may we all focus on becoming disciples of Jesus in our everyday lives. Here are some resources to help enhance your prayer life this summer:

Remaining with Jesus: Discipleship in the Gospel of John, by Father Brice Higginbotham: Using the Gospel of John as his roadmap, Father Brice Higginbotham invites you to join him on an inspiring exploration of what Scripture tells us about being a disciple of Jesus and how Christian discipleship brings peace and fulfillment to your daily life. By delving into Jesus’ encounters with real people, the author provides practical guidance for healthy spiritual living based on two primary concepts: believing in Jesus and remaining with Him in good times and bad.

Being Disciples of Jesus. Six Weeks with the Bible, by Stephen Binz: The 12 disciples who followed Jesus offer us wonderful lessons on what it means to be modern-day disciples, but we also gain great insight into the cost of discipleship by looking at Jesus’ mother, Mary, and Mary Magdalene. In this Bible study, we follow the 12 disciples and the two Marys through the Gospels so that we can make their way of discipleship our own way of discipleship.

Start With Jesus: How Everyday Disciples Will Renew the Church, by Julianne Stanz: Start with Jesus is a book about people, process and culture, rather than an emphasis on quick-fixes or unsustainable efforts. Julianne Stanz aims to help regular people be transformed from the inside out by growing in relationship with Jesus Christ through individual and group experiences, thus transforming our parish communities.

To borrow these or other resources, the diocesan library and Office of Faith Formation and Lay Ecclesial Ministry are open for in-person visits and consultations 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday through Friday. You may also visit the website. Once you make your selections, you can email the request to

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Picture of Margie Hynes

Margie Hynes

Margie Hynes is the Consultant for Faith Formation and Lay Ecclesial Ministry for the Diocoese of Youngstown.

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