
La celebración nacional del Mes de la Herencia Hispana | National Hispanic Heritage Month

Note: This letter from Bishop Bonnar, for National Hispanic Heritage Month, appears on this page in both Spanish and English.

en español

15 de septiembre, 2023

Queridos Hermanos y Hermanas en Cristo,

La celebración nacional del Mes de la Herencia Hispana el cual comienza el 15 de septiembre de 2023 y continúa hasta el 15 de octubre de 2023, es el momento oportuno para que nuestra diócesis entera observe el precioso regalo que usted y su familia es para nuestra comunidad eclesial. Gracias por la fe, la esperanza y el amor que traen a la oración, la adoración, y la vida diaria en toda su diversidad como católicos hispanos, latinos y latinas. Su reverencia y entusiasmo son verdaderamente una inspiración para todos nosotros.

Bishop Bonnar addresses the crowd at the Hispanic Ministry Summit
Cumbre del Ministerio Hispano | Hispanic Ministry Summit (March 4, 2023, Photo: Justin Huyck)

Como su obispo, quiero que sepan lo emocionado que estoy de lo que ustedes aportan a la Iglesia todos los días. El invierno pasado nos reunimos en Ravenna para la Primera Cumbre Anual del Ministerio Hispano. Hacemos todo lo que podemos para que la comunidad hispana crezca en nuestra comunidad en los seis condados de nuestra diócesis.

Estoy encantado de que ahora tengamos un sacerdote que habla español asignado a cada una de nuestras comunidades hispanas. Por favor oren por el Padre Frassati Davis, O.P., el Padre Ernesto Rodriguez, el Padre Fritz Schlueter, el Padre Connor Hetzel, y todos nuestros sacerdotes así como por nuestra coordinadora diocesana, Cristina Hernandez quienes les sirven en el ministerio.

A principios de este año la Conferencia de Obispos Católicos de los Estados Unidos aprobó por abrumadora mayoría un nuevo Plan Nacional para el Ministerio Hispano/Latino. Espero contar con su ayuda para implementar este plan en nuestra diócesis. Algunas de las prioridades de este plan llaman a la formación, acompañamiento de las familias, inmigración y defensa, atención a quienes viven en los márgenes, compromiso con la juventud y adultos jóvenes y promoción de vocaciones.

Todos tenemos mucho que dar, y no queremos dejar a nadie atrás. Durante este mes de celebración, les pido que sean intencionales en su oración para el éxito del Ministerio Hispano en nuestra diócesis y siempre agradecido de Dios por el regalo que son ustedes para esta iglesia local. Sepan de mis continuas oraciones, amor, y apoyo para ustedes y sus familias y la comunidad.

Juntos, oremos, “Que todos sean uno.”

Sinceramente en Cristo,

Reverendísimo David J. Bonnar
Obispo de Youngstown

In English

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

The celebration of National Hispanic Heritage Month which begins on September 15, 2023 and continues through October 15, 2023, is an opportune time for our entire diocese to behold the precious gift you and your family are to our ecclesial community.  Thank you for the faith, hope, and love you bring to prayer, worship, and daily life in all your diversity as Hispanic, Latino, and Latina Catholics.  Your reverence and enthusiasm are truly an inspiration to us all.

Bishop Bonnar addresses the crowd at the Hispanic Ministry Summit
Cumbre del Ministerio Hispano | Hispanic Ministry Summit (March 4, 2023, Photo: Justin Huyck)

As your bishop, I want you to know how excited I am about what you bring to the Church each and every day.  Last winter we convened in Ravenna for the First Annual Hispanic Ministry Summit.  We are doing our best to grow the Hispanic community in the six counties of our diocese.

I am delighted that we now have a Spanish speaking priest assigned to all of our Hispanic communities.  Please pray for Father Frassati Davis, O.P., Father Ernesto Rodriguez, Father Fritz Schlueter, Father Connor Hetzel, and all our priests along with our diocesan coordinator, Cristina Hernandez who serve you in ministry. 

Earlier this year the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops overwhelmingly approved a new National Plan for Hispanic/Latino Ministry.  I look forward with your help to implementing this plan in our diocese.  Some of the priorities of this plan call for formation, accompaniment of families, immigration and advocacy, care for those living on the margins, engagement with youth and young adults and promoting vocations. 

We all have much to give, and we do not want to leave anyone behind.  During this month of celebration, I ask that you be intentional in your prayer for the success of the Hispanic Ministry in our diocese and ever so grateful to God for the gift that you are to this local Church.  Know of my continued prayers, love, and support for you and your family and community.

Together, let us pray, “That all may be one.”

Sincerely in Christ,

Most Reverend David J. Bonnar

Bishop of Youngstown

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Picture of Bishop David J. Bonnar

Bishop David J. Bonnar

Originally from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, the Most Reverend David J. Bonnar was installed as the sixth Bishop of the Diocese of Youngstown on January 12, 2021. He received a bachelor degree in Social Communications from Duquesne University in Pittsburgh and studied at the Pontifical North American College in Rome receiving a Bachelor in Sacred Theology (STB) in 1987 from the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome. As a priest in the Diocese of Pittsburgh, Bishop Bonnar served as parochial vicar at Saint Vitus Parish, New Castle; Saint Rosalia Parish, Greenfield; and Saint Thomas More Parish, Bethel Park. He served as chaplain at Central Catholic High School and as Director of Vocations, Director of the Pre-Ordination program, Director of the Permanent Diaconate program and Rector of Saint Paul Seminary in Pittsburgh. In 2009, Bishop Bonnar was appointed pastor of Saint Bernard Parish, Mt. Lebanon and from 2018 also served as administrator of Our Lady of Grace Parish, Scott Township. In 2020, he was named pastor of Saint Aidan Parish, Wexford. On November 17, 2020, His Holiness Pope Francis appointed him the sixth Bishop of Youngstown. In addition to his ministerial assignments, Bishop Bonnar has also served on the Diocese of Pittsburgh Post-Ordination Board, Clergy Personnel Board, Seminary Admissions Board, Chair of the Permanent Diaconate Admissions Board, Chair of the Priestly Formation Board, and Chair of the Priesthood Candidate Admission Board. Since 2014, Bishop Bonnar has been the editor of The Priest magazine and in 2020 was appointed a member of the National Advisory Board for the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. For 12 years Bishop Bonnar was also chaplain to the NFL Pittsburgh Steelers professional football team.
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