
Social Media Helpful Hint – Remember the 5 W’s for events and programs!

When sharing information on upcoming programs, events and activities, remember that your post should link to or include the 5 W’s – Who What, When, Where, and Why?

Who – Who is your target audience of participants?
Who should they contact for more information?

What – What is going on? What is the connection to your mission?

When – Do not forget the date and time (seriously not long ago, saw a lovely event flier that did not include the date on it – oops!)

Where – Where will it take place? Is there a specific room or door to enter? Is there a specific place to park? Please do not assume that everyone knows your whole campus or the location of off-site events.

Why – Why should people want to be involved? Why are you invited them?

And, while not a “w” word, How is also important in How do I register or sign up?

These are all crucial for webpages, fliers and letters of invitation.

For social media posts, you might want to do a campaign listing each of these questions in separate posts but also then link to a website or include contact information for more information. Nothing is more frustrating for a follower to see a post, get excited about the information, then realize they still need to seek out critical information! So tell them what they need to know to participate!
It will be WORTH it (bonus W word!)

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Picture of Cindee Case

Cindee Case

Cindee Case is Consultant for the Office of Faith Formation & Lay Ecclesial Ministry in the Diocese of Youngstown. She has more than three decades of service in youth ministries and young adult ministries, and became the Diocese of Youngstown's first Social Media Minister in 2021. Cindee holds a Bachelor's degree from Kent State University in Behavioral Sciences and a Master of Pastoral Studies degree from Loyola University of New Orleans. Cindee can be reached at and (330) 744-8451 ext. 280.
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